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My Story


I am a lifelong, four decades plus resident of the City of New Hope. I attended the area schools and participated in numerous New Hope Park & Rec. programs, in addition to New Hope - Plymouth Little League 

 (and, yes, it used to be called New Hope - Plymouth Little League).

I received a Bachelors of Business Administration from the 

University of Wisconsin, Madison where I tripled majored in Accounting, Finance & Economics.

Today, I work for my clients as an Independent Investment Advisor, managing investments 

for small businesses, individuals & families.

I have been married for 22 years to my wife, Alison and together we are raising our two children, Matthew, 18 Armstrong High School and Lauren, 14 Plymouth Middle School.

I am proudest of the following accomplishments in my 10 years on the New Hope City Council; advocating for a stronger New Hope, increased scattered site housing redevelopment, implementation of the City Performance Management Report, introduced S.M.A.R.T. objectives to city staff and directors, revived the police annual report, demanded asset maintenance and a long term street maintenance schedule, support for an external search for City Manager,  demanding unique positions for Police Chief and City Manager,  City Center redevelopment, Xylon Avenue streetscape, Northwood Park/Northwood Park storm water project, and lastly                                             

Voting NO on Numerous Tax Increasing Resolutions.

Thank you for your support.  I have been honored to serve you!   Please share your ideas & thoughts with me.

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